Functional Medicine for Sjögren's Syndrome | Beyond Sjögren's
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Functional Medicine for Sjögren's Syndrome

Reclaim your health with Personalised Functional Nutrition

Jeremy Guth, Functional Nutritionist (mBANT CNHC)

Specialising in Sjögren's and related fatigue, dryness, joint pain and gastrointestinal issues*

Identify and address the root causes to your Sjögren's challenges

Tired of suffering from debilitating symptoms that just won't go away?


Concerned about your condition worsening and robbing you of your quality of life even further?


Confused about which dietary approach is best for you, or which supplements might actually help?

If so, we understand. And we can help.

As all consultations are online, your location is not an issue.

Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy is a powerful science-based yet holistic approach to rebuilding health that utilises natural treatments such as dietary adjustments, nutritional supplementation, herbal medicines and simple lifestyle modifications. Together, these work alongside standard medical care to address the root causes of your health challenges, rather than just the symptoms.


There is no single diet, supplement or treatment that is right for everyone.


Functional Medicine involves specialist lab testing to help identify areas of dysfunction in the body's systems which may be contributing to illness, and which can then be addressed with nutritional therapies and other natural treatments.


Functional medicine testing can help personalise a therapeutic diet to meet your unique nutritional requirements, as well as indicate which additional treatments would be best to achieve the best possible results.

My approach

Personalised Sjögren's Functional Medicine Programmes

​The internet is full of simplistic solutions to complex problems, like autoimmunity. No single diet, supplement or treatment is right for everyone. You're unique, and so is what's driving your Sjogren's challenges.


That's why we offer 3-month online programmes that are designed to help identify and methodically address the nutritional, environmental and lifestyle factors that are likely contributing to your immune dysfunction and Sjogren's symptoms.


Together, we'll do an in-depth health history and nutritional evaluation, and run specialist lab tests to help pinpoint what exactly seems to be going wrong in your body to cause these problems. We'll then craft a comprehensive therapeutic diet and supplementation plan that addresses the specific issues we find.


The goal? Reduced symptoms, restored energy and a transformation in the way you feel.

Schedule a free 30-min Zoom call to discuss your situation and the programme options in more detail.

All Sjögren's Functional Nutrition Programmes Include:

In-depth symptom + nutritional evaluation

Lab and functional testing recommendations

Establishing your personal programme goals

Address the root causes to your Sjögren's challenges

Personalised Sjögren's diet and supplement plans

Easy to follow step-by-step action plans

Sleep, stress and exercise recommendations

Regular follow ups and motivational check-ins


* Nutritional therapies work alongside, and do not replace, standard medical care. Outcomes inevitably vary between individuals.

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